Sexy like a raincoat.

The weekends keep coming at me like a soft kick in the gut--I could avoid them, but they're the only action I see.
Sebastien and I spent  last Friday enjoying the gardens at Versailles. It was predictably beautiful. Puffy white clouds sailed by us like free-form poems, aloft in a sky of pure blue jazz. Every now and then there was a breeze and it would cool the sweat beneath my hair, making me close my eyes in quiet appreciation.

Did anyone vomit after reading that? I hate when anyone uses "poem" or "jazz" in figurative language. You can find fresher images in a dumpster.
moving on. Fun photos, right?
Welcome to Paris' Indian Summer. Also known as the summer Paris forgot to include. Much as I love the sunshine and the short skirts, I could wear the fall like a cloak, special and singularly mine.  But it's all the rage, these days. And I'd have to take it off sometime.
Especially with all these vide greniers sales going on this time of year. It literally means empty your attic, and people sell amazing retro clothing, furniture and records for realistic prices. I bought a skirt, jacket, shirt and boots for 13 euros!
A hundred lesbians died on the cross of flannel envy when I made it clear that my shirt couldn't be bought.
I want to go back to the sidewalk sales this weekend but we'll have to see what I have time for...
We'll have a lot on our nerdy little plate as Sebastien is play-testing the game he has been working on. (More on that, next time)
Plus  I should start saving money for when Claudia comes to visit. We've been talking about going to London for the weekend when she comes through.
Claudia is my super cool friend from Canada. She and I met in New Orleans, where we worked on the cleanup after the storm. A lot of her radical friends gave her shit for going way down south to help out the 'mericans but it's like she told them...
She came to our wedding, much to everyone's pleasure, and a year before that, she met up with me in Paris durring my first visit to France. We spent two weeks traveling together, hanging out in the south and generally making a mess.
People loved us.
Sometimes you have those friends that you talk about seeing again and never do, like--you should totally come visit sometime! And they're like--yeah, I totally should. And they don't.  Ever.
But Claudia isn't one of them. I'm hoping my luck will hold too, because a good friend of mine is leaving Paris for basically ever. She's a mega talented musician who's been living here for two years, working on her Master's. Plus she makes a bomb curry. Sigh, it's never easy parting ways, but the parting doesn't have to be as bad as this song is good:

Or as creepy as that video is creepy. I think he sings well, but he's all painty and pathetic in this vid. Plus, his chest hair is weird.

Ah well, guess I'll be seeing you later sports fans, I've got applications to submit ;)

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