Q and A, how to catch a tiger.

Here are the rules:

  • Post the rules.
  • State 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the questions your tagger asked.
  • Create 11 new questions of your own.
  • Tag 11 people.
  • Notify the tagees via their blog of their taggage.
    My random facts:
    I day dream about craft projects I can do with my unborn children
    When I'm really hungry, I usually make something with more complex flavors and more ingredients.
    I'm not a dog or a cat person, I like them both well enough but am not willing to own either.
    I only like sharing bottles of wine with no more than 2 other people. After that, the party is just too large to drink it slowly and appreciate its strength. 
    I wasn't willing to marry a man who didn't speak at least two languages. 
    I like maple syrup on my bacon
    I had my first HIV test well before I was sexually active.
    I plan to move to China when my oldest (and as yet unborn) child is ready for first grade.
    I can roll my R's, but I never excelled at Spanish.
    I met my first boyfriend on a plane, we're still friends of Facebook. 

  1. If you could go back and change one thing that happened in your life, what would it be? Nothing very important has ever really happen to me that I wish I could change. I was run over by a car as a toddler for example, but that's how I paid for college. I guess sometimes I miss the music I had on one of my old hard drives. It had a lot of good samples and all the tracks were organized quite efficiently. If I could go back in time to college when I asked my band mate to take care of that for me, I wouldn't have, because I'm pretty sure he's the one who stole the hard drive, anyway.
  2. What is your astrological sign, and how does it reflect your personality?
     I know way too much about my astrological chart. My sun sign is Scorpio but everything else in my twelfth house and all in Sagittarius. This is supposed to mean that I am run by passion and reflection--which is all well enough true. I don't read my horoscope, but I do think that people that are born at a certain time of year might have similar environmental factors that reoccur as they develop as a group. Their natural traits will be exaggerated and reinforced by what we associate with people born at the same time as them, if they are cognizant of these prescribed demands, such as "Scorpios are passionate and obsessed with sex," then perhaps these things are to be celebrated or at the very least, excused in one's self. In reality of course, other people have all of these characteristics as well. It's just amuses us all to think we are important enough to have mystical attributes. Plus my husband is a Cancer and they're supposed to be perfectly matched with Scorpios. So that's fun. 
  3. Which would you give up for the rest of your life: sex or food?
    I mean, as long as I can orgasm, sex isn't really necessary. Plus the hierarchy of needs (as well as logic) mandates that food comes first...  
  4. If you had to choose between killing the person you love to save the world or killing the rest of the world to save the person you love, which would you do?
    Gawd, my older sister used to do this to me, asking me who I would save in a fire, my mom and dad--or my blanky. I told her I would use my blanky as a breathing mask to save our parents. This has always been my approach to the 
    The Kobayashi MaruSebastien will always come first in this world, but he might hate me if I only saved him, so I'm going to go for them all--what the heck, he'd have a vested interest in saving the world anywa. Plus any reasonable person would want Sebastien on their strike force. Give this man a combead!
  5. What is the most valuable lesson you have ever learned, and who taught it to you?
    A few sages along my life's road popped immediately to mind. Sadly, a slim few of them were women. I am a culmination of all my lessons learned and ignored; the most valuable one, should it exist, may not have even come to me yet. 
  6. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
    I've always quite liked my name. There is of course a small matter to settle with an embarrassingly prolific romance writer...not worth mentioning exactly but there may have been a short period of my life, if you like, when I wished nobody would have called me Erin McCracky. 
  7. If you could get a degree in anything without having to worry about finding a job in that field, would you get a degree in?
    Hmm just one? Neurolinguistics would be cool. You know, I can't think of a single degree that I wish I was ready for that wouldn't result in an awesome job. But I'm quite unlikely to pass the GRE 2 in garbology or any other -ology for that matter...
  8. What do/did you study in college, and what will/did you do with your degree?
    I designed my degree using a loophole in western philosophy, called the gestalt switch, where the background becomes the foreground. In this way I was able to take all the 101 classes from every domain and use this with higher level creative writing, social science and philosophy classes to construct a degree aimed at non-specialization towards the enrichment of my whole mind. I also used a feminist critique of Anthropology to create a work of "fiction" and a sociological document at the same time, filming certain scenes from it.  I escaped my language requirement at university through a lengthy written appeal to the linguistics department, I now live in a foreign country and speak their language on a daily basis, having never studied it in a classroom, and I also spent three years after college as a cross-discipline elementary school teacher in the DC public schools.
  9. What song/movie/food/book is your guilty pleasure?
    My brother died right before Christmas one year and I got those tawdry vampire books on the 25th. I read  all three of them over a 6 day period. (And all I can do is read a book to stay awake, and it rips my life away--but it's a great escape...) 
  10. You have a fortune that will make or break your country's economical [sic] state. Would you give it to your own country to prevent a decade of substandard welfare, or would you give it to a Third World country to start a lifetime of quality living? 
    It's not as simple as that. Is my country the United States? Right now money is not what we need, it's leadership and to disentangle our political future with the wants of big business and the lobbyists that represent their interests.  As for a developing nation, what resources do they already posses? Who runs their government? What would the greater environmental impacts be of say, elevating this peripheral nation to an industrialized state? Even one billionaire isn't enough to change the world. You can build as many schools as you want, if the people are starving, they won't go.
  11. How would you spend your last day on earth?
    Hopefully not in pain. Possibly as blissfully unconcerned with my mortality as I am today. 

My questions to the peoples:
What is the worst pun you've ever heard?
Which blog do you never skip a posting of, why?
Share your current favorite animated gif
Use your MP3 player on shuffle to answer the following two questions: 
"What would best describe your personality"

"What is the worst thing that could happen?"

In your opinion, which day is the best day to blog
Tell us a little bit about your first road trip...
Burma or Myanmar? Be specific.
What book do you super wish they would turn into a movie? 
What's your go-to snack?
Is the color that people say looks best on you the same as your favorite?

My 11 Bloggers are:
Couch Dwellers (you BOTH have to do it, damn it!)

And that, my friends, is how a tiger gets caught. 

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