Project 90: My Fit n Fast Journey - Report Six - Final Results

And so, the end (but no.. the beginning!) of my journey with Fit n Fast has come and it has been beyond rewarding.

The obvious measurements of success are the stats: the weight lost, the centimetres shifted, the waist whittled, my flat(ter) stomach back. Here's me:

It has been a triumph for me in so many ways, and not just the shrinking numbers.

And so, here are the essential numbers:

Start weight: 71.5kg
Finish weight: 64.5kg

(Current weight since the Fit n Fast 'Project 90' challenge finished: 64kg... and counting). Total weight loss: 7.5kg so far.

The body measurements:

Start: 112cm
One month in: 107.5cm
Finish: 101.5cm

Start: 89cm
One month in: 81cm
Finish: 79cm

Start: 118cm
One month in: 97cm
Finish: 93cm

Start: 107cm
One month in: 105cm
Finish: 92cm

If you have followed all five of my reports (here is report one, report two, report three, report four, report five), the whole thing has been no piece of cake (and there were no pieces of cake consumed... well, perhaps a bite or two, but that's what kept me going, and not spiralling back into entirely crazy eating habits). There were bi-weekly sessions with my personal trainer Hayley, topped up by three sessions solo at my local Fit n Fast gym. Sticking to a sensible, logical eating plan (high in protein, but not eliminating carbs entirely). Lots of sweat, change of lifestyle (sleeping more, no mindless snacking, that kind of thing).

That said, this whole 'Project 90' experience gave me far, far more than the perhaps-sometimes-scoffed-at-for-being-superficial ability to wear my jeans and tight fitting pants with more pride and ease. Although yeah, this was a fabulous bonus. That, and feeling more at home in my body at the size it should be, for the height I am - 155cm.

How has 'Project 90' changed my life?

It came at a time of great emotional turmoil and personal catastrophe, which could have had me throw in the gym towel before I even truly got warmed up. But I knew this time HAD to be different. It would require all the mental - as well as the obvious, physical - strength. I had a team of truly dedicated experts behind me, genuinely and whole-heartedly cheering me on in: my personal trainer Hayley from Fit n Fast, my nutrition guru Matt O'Neill from Metabolic Jumpstart, and the entire Fit n Fast crew behind me. I did not want to let them down.

But most of all, I could not let me down.

In my daily role as carer to my kids and mum - while juggling freelance projects and writing for one of the biggest projects of my life - I will often put myself last. No, really I do (well, I did. Past tense). The new version of me has now carved out pockets of time to go to the gym and not feel guilt (why? The family is fed and sorted and happy). This is time I thought I did not have. The trick for me was to now realise my health and fitness was important, an integral part of my mental wellbeing.

Shopping for the right foods is also a priority. We eat well, and plentiful... always have. But being well and truly prepared - especially with healthy snacks like fruit and nuts - was now a priority. A well-stocked fridge and pantry. The mind shift took some time, but soon become habit. It's not unusual for me to tuck into a can of tuna because it's what I now crave.

The post-Project 90 shoot was a wonderful way to celebrate. The day I went to Sydney PR agency Sweaty Betty (in the photo above) to choose some clothes for the shoot was a true revelation: I coulda sworn they had a magic mirror in their office... I looked loads slimmer in their mirror and was kinda blown away. I am pretty much convinced there was a possible case of body dysmorphia happening - where my mind and eyes were still thinking I am larger than I was, still the body I have had before all the hard work.

Thing is, I have been writing this post for several weeks now, as I wanted to make sure I included every single element of my transformation, and fully explain just how this whole process has had long term impact on my life. Turns out, there are no words to quantify just how this has changed how I view myself now, and the importance I place on my wellbeing - especially my mental health.

All I can say is this: investing in yourself is never selfish or self-absorbed. Now I truly understand the whole concept of looking after yourself and you will be a betterm happier carer and person in general.

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